Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ride When You Can

Arrived home from work tonight at 6pm and the temperature was a balmy 40 degrees so I decided to jump on the Bianchi SS Cross bike and go south on highway 145 for a bit. It was perfect riding temp. It sure can be lonely by yourself in the dark but so beautiful with a full moon glimmering off of the white snow along the roadway. It is these times on the bike you have to really appreciate. Looking forward to the weekend to go ride the White Rim. The weather forecast is looking really good. Here are a couple of pics, one of the moon that didnt turn out so great. I really need to learn how to use my



Matt said...

You are a brave, brave man. Aweomse to see ya still riding!

Carney said...

Have fun on the rim this weekend!!

ojulius said...

Are you crazy? Be careful out there!