Monday, April 12, 2010

Dawn til Dusk 12 Hour Race

What a throw down it was at the 12 Hours of Dawn til Dusk in Gallup, NM. Aside from a bit of wind the weather was perfect and the competition was super high. The trail system was great. A bit loose and silty but in great condition. In previous years 9 laps would be the winning number for a win in the solo single speed class. This year there were 5 solo single speeders that hit the 10 lap mark. I took 3rd with 10 laps behind Matt Turgeon and Dan Durland had the win in front of us. Some close times with any mechanical or cracking of anyone would have made all of the difference in the final outcome. Shawn Gregory won the under 40 class with 10 laps as well. Fellow teammate Lenny Goodell had a great finish this year with 9 laps to take 4th in the single speed masters class.

Me looking fresh!!! Still smiling.


Matt said...

Congrats on the placing - tough field this year for sure. I hurt bad right now...

Jeff Hemperley said...

Matt, way to tough it out through some pain. You put it down at the end. Dan was on fire throughout. You gotta love these type of throw downs.